So far the “us” is just me. Dan O’Day. Who am I? I’m a guy. A guy who likes ideas. One of those ideas being bringing people together to discuss, develop and enact ideas. I have been writing on the web for 25 years. I’ve created numerous websites over the years and have four now, one of which is fallow as it served a specific business function of which is on hold. The active sites are Leuterers News Service, Bush League Studios Press, and this site, EarthRaft.
I write under various nom de plumes. Panther Weinhard, Jed Murrow, and April McKernan. I have published one novel written with co-author Ken Davies. It is titled, Letters-A Twelve Step Journey and is available on Amazon. I am at work on a second solo project titled Bossa Nova. I’m using the name Lucky Lemire for that one. I find it amusing that my pen names come up on the first page of Google searches but my actual name is lost in an apparent world of Dan O’Days out there.